Fitting Pants: How to Find the Balance Lines on a Pant Pattern

If you’re on my email list you already know that this week I’ll be showing you how to find the balance lines on the In-House Patterns Ellen pants. If you’d like to follow along with your own version of the Ellen pant pattern you can find the pattern HERE. If you’re working with another pant pattern you’ll get some insight on how to find the balance lines on that pattern too.

In the video I share details on finding the balance lines on the size 8 Ellen sewing pattern by In-House Patterns. If you're using another size use the information in the chart below to guide you in placing the Hip, High HIp and Calf balance lines on the size you're working with. Follow the video lesson for the method and the process of finding all the other balance lines.

 In-House Patterns  

Ellen Pant










Knee to Hip

15 ½"  

15 â…ť"  

15 Âľ"  

15 â…ž"  


16 â…›"  

16 ÂĽ"  

16 â…ś"  

16 ½"  

Hip to High HIp

3 ½"

3 â…ť"

3 Âľ"

3 â…ž"


4 â…›"

4 ÂĽ"

4 â…ś"

4 ½"

Knee to Calf

6 ½"

6 â…ť"

6 Âľ"

6 â…ž"


7 â…›"

7 ÂĽ"

7 â…ś"

7 ½"

After watching the video you'll know how to find the balance lines on the Ellen pant pattern. Use these balance lines as a guide to determine the fitting adjustments you’ll need to make the pattern fit you. Although there are some exceptions, your goal is to have the balance lines hang parallel and perpendicular to the floor. When the balance lines are hanging in this grid-like way on your body you’ll find that most of the draglines and wrinkles will relax or disappear.

If you’re not sure what balance lines are or why it might be helpful to know where they are on your pattern, here are a few links that will explain all that.

The Perfect Fit Guide

How to Prepare for Fitting

How to Assess Fitting Issues

For other video tutorials on pant fitting be sure to check out these video tutorials listed here ==> Fitting Pants 

I hope you find them helpful.

All My Best,
